Sitting in your pj’s, curled up in your favorite corner of the couch, time will effortlessly go by while you nibble on the organic lavender, chamomile, lemon balm and orange peel atop our simple 3 ingredient (cocoa powder, sugar and cocoa butter) dark chocolate. It won’t matter if the kids are jumping on the cushion right beside you because you are relaxed and in another world.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, organic lavender, organic chamomile, organic lemon balm, organic orange peel
Net Wt: 2oz
The ocean waves beckon you, the sea is calling your name. “Come escape with me,” it whispers in your ear. Only four ingredients stand between you and the ultimate seaside dark chocolate experience: cocoa powder, sugar, cocoa butter and sea salt. Will you risk dipping your tongue into the heaven that is promised? Yes! You bite into the edge and fall head first into the oncoming wave of deliciousness. Bite after bite, you indulge in the heavenly health benefits of antioxidants.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, organic sea salt
Net Wt: 2oz

Orange Spice Bites
Your day needs a pick-me up with a bit of a flare. It's blah. It's grey. Nothing extraordinary happened today. You've just been going through the motions; another day, another dollar (spent). What's a person to do when life just become ordinary and full of doldrums? Grab a bite of Orange Spice chocolate of course! It whispers to your soul, "I am what you are missing. Bite me. Eat me. Let me teach you what it's like to combine black tea, orange and spice today."
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, black tea, dried cloves, dried nutmeg, dried orange peel
Net Wt: 2 oz
It’s that time of month again: your Moon Cycle. Shouldn’t that read Mood Cycle? Ugh! Where is the magic wand to make it all go away? Wait? It’s here?! Yes! Our herbal blend of organic spearmint, cramp bark, vitex berries, skullcap, marshmallow root, passionflower and ginger root may just make your life bearable while you endure yet another PMS cycle. Have no fear, though, you can have as much as you’d like! Studies show eating 20-30 grams of dark chocolate a day help with your mood. So, go ahead, indulge. It may help your mood and it certainly will taste good! Three simple ingredients make up our dark chocolate: cocoa powder, sugar and cocoa butter. That’s it. Indulge. Disconnect. Feel better. It’s OK.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, organic spearmint leaf, organic cramp bark, organic vitex berries, organic skullcap, organic marshmallow root, organic passionflower herb, and organic ginger root.
Net Wt: 2 oz

Slumber Bites
Sleep escapes you at every opportunity. The clock ticks loudly in your mind, the alarm clock goes off and it's time to greet another day. You are exhausted beyond belief. Imagine if chocolate could help you sleep at night. Yes, it is true! We have you covered!
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, Lemon balm, mugwort, hops, stevia leaf, coca nibs, cardamom
Net Wt: 2 oz

Chocolate Frog
Some Muggles may not believe in magic, but this frog does! It may leap into your mouth and cause it to be full of joy without risk of any cross-contamination or allergens. Doing a Harry Potter-themed party? These are perfect! Harry Potter Marathon Weekend? Again, perfect. These solid chocolate frogs will be featured at Geek Gala on November 2nd in their Muggles Market but you can get your hands on them now because you are magical!

Ghoulish Trio
Our Ghoulish Trio will have you entering into the Halloween Holiday ready. It is perfect for your inner ghoul soul to take the place of the candy you can't eat. The skull with hat is 100% solid and a true sink your teeth into 3.5oz treat. The plain skull is hollow, perfect to break apart and share. The Mexican skull is flat and a quick treat.
Ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar, cocoa butter
Net Wt: 4.3 oz
Orange Spice Bar
Sometimes life needs to have some spice to it. Your inner fire is burning a bit low. The seasons are changing and you've gone from a Hot Summer Mama to a Cooler Autumn Woman. It's time to turn that inner fire up a bit and tap into the awesomeness which is Orange Spice. A bit of energy from the black tea, a bit of autumn from the orange and spice will warm you up from the inside out.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, black tea, dried cloves, dried nutmeg, dried orange peel
Net Wt: 2 oz

Plain Bar
You can't hide anything. You are a plain fan. You want to taste the chocolate the way it is-simple, unfiltered and with no other interruptions.
Ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar, cocoa butter
Net Wt: 2 oz

Love Bites
You hear whispering in your ear: “Hey baby, got a second for me? I’d love to make you feel sexy. That’s right, just me, you and a bite size nugget of handsome dark chocolate” awake from your dream with a desire regular chocolate can’t quelch. Our Love chocolate, with damiana leaf, roasted cacao nibs, roasted carob, orange peel, rose petals, cassia cinnamon chips, and French vanilla tea flavoring has been said to make people go crazy with desire. Okay, maybe not crazy, but definitely feel more lovey-dovey toward themselves and others. Three simple dark chocolate ingredients: cocoa powder, sugar and cocoa butter are the base for this beauty calling your name.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, damiana leaf, roasted cacao nibs, roasted carob, orange peel, rose petals, cassia cinnamon chips, French vanilla tea flavoring
Net Wt: 2 oz
Sara Roo Bites
Distraction, it’s all around you. Responsibilities are flying at you from all angles. You feel like an insane fly-swatting nincompoop trying to swat it all away so you can just focus. Focus, just focus. Yes! We have a chocolate for that! Our Sara Roo has only cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, honeyroo, rose petals, stevia leaves, and cardamom all of which are said to help with focus. A little sweetness, a little spicy and the perfect balance to the day is met. Embrace those responsibility flies! Open your arms and welcome them. You are focused and ready. Bring at me, world! Let’s go!
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, roobios, rose petals, stevia leaves, cardamom
Net Wt: 2 oz

Espresso Bar
There are times when a single bite just isn't enough to fuel your day. You need a bigger amount of caffeine charged energy to get through the moment. THIS is the bar for you! It may help you leap tall buildings of Lego in a single bound! Imagine your Super Woman Cape flying out behind you as you swirl through your day: cleaning, working, comforting and being amazing to the tens! You can tell yourself the amazing health benefits of dark chocolate and espresso are helping you with increased concentration, are low in calories and aids in weight loss. That right there is the reason to have a bar a day! You are helping fight cancer with antioxidants AND aiding in weight loss!
Ingredients: Cocoa powder, sugar, cocoa butter, espresso
Net Wt: 2 oz

Love Bar
Your libido may be dragging a bit. You know how it goes, life gets in the way. It happens to all of us. Late nights, early mornings and laundry all are killer on our sex drive. "Not tonight, honey. I've got a headache," can become the default line. Our first herbal ingredient is damania leaf which is often said to be used to treat headaches, depression, and as an aphrodisiac. Sounds like it may just hit all the right places! Try it and see.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, damiana leaf, roasted cacao nibs, roasted carob, orange peel, rose petals, cassia cinnamon chips, French vanilla tea flavoring
Net Wt: 2 oz

Moon Ease Bar
Yes, we have this in bites but sometimes, just sometimes, THAT time of the month demands MORE chocolate. Aunt Flow came in like a raging river, hormones flaring and you just want to take out everything in your line of sight. It isn't pretty. You look in the mirror expecting to see hair flying in all directions, fire-spitting from your mouth and eyes glowing. No, you aren't possessed. You are simply experiencing PMS (or pissy male syndrome if the shoe fits). What this moment calls for is an entire bar of chocolate filled with herbs that may just help settle your inner dragon.
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, organic spearmint leaf, organic cramp bark, organic vitex berries, organic skullcap, organic marshmallow root, organic passionflower herb, and organic ginger root.
Net Wt: 2 oz

Peace Bar
Peace is something that you may not be able to find easily. It eludes you from the moment you wake up until you are laying in bed, listening to the crickets sing outside your window. How is it you can be tired all day and then lay in bed and be wide awake?! Peace is just the answer you've been looking for. Curl up about 45 minutes before bed with it in tea form AND in chocolate form and you should drift right off to sleep full of inner peace. Watch those sugar plums dance through your dreams while drifting down a chocolate river. Life won't be much better than that moment.
Ingredients: Cocoa, Sugar, Cocoa Butter, organic chamomile flowers, organic spearmint, organic lavender flowers, organic cassia cinnamon bark, organic passionflower, and organic rose petals.
Net Wt: 2 oz
Sara Roo Bar
Some days it can be so hard to focus! You flit from one thing to another, destined to feel like a whirling dervish never accomplishing anything. This never-ending circle tends to raise your blood pressure as the stress mounts. Then, you bite into a Sara Roo bar which has cardamom shown to lower blood pressure, and you begin to breathe a bit easier. The honeyroo may help protect against heart attacks and the roses have been said to help with inflammation. You are all set now: chocolate with amazing properties to help you focus, get back on track and calm you down. You go girl! You can now go conquer the world!!!
Ingredients: Cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter,Honeyroo, rose petals, stevia leaves, cardamom
Net Wt: 2 oz

Emotional Ease
Emotional Ease is desperately needed once a month. Whether you are female and dealing with PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) or a man dealing with PMS (Pissy Male Syndrome) this quintuplet of deliciousness may help you with all fronts of discomfort: Moon Ease to help balance out how you feel, Sea Salt to add a bit of salty goodness, Espresso to help you through the exhaustion and Love because let's face it, a little nookie helps soothe the cramps. It is a perfect 1-2 punch to deal with THAT time of the month.

Classic Combo
The Classic Combo is perfect for the traditionalist. You know the type: classic clothes choices in grey, navy and white or cream. The same routine day in and day out. They love predictability and a steadfast life. This quintuplet package includes our best selling classic flavors: Sea Salt, Espresso, Raspberry, Plain, and Mint. The person who receives this 5 piece package will come to depend on their nightly nibble of scrumptious chocolate.

Have Your Cake & Eat It, Too Gluten Free Text & Cook Book
Have Your Cake & Eat It, Too Gluten Free Text & Cook Book
Baking gluten free from scratch is difficult. Using Johnson & Wales "On Baking" textbook, Mary Herrington worked with professors and one of the nation's top chef to recreate the baking textbook to be gluten-free. Troubleshooting charts, 19 recipes (including cinnamon buns) and tried and true methods will help you bake gluten-free from scratch with success.